Friday, February 10, 2012

Asan and My Plans for After Korea

So this weeks has been awesome! We are working with an all girls high school in Asan. We are running a camp for girls here and from another high school, along with 3 boys from another high school haha. We all get together for the day at 9:00. We begin with worship and then dive into the teaching. We (we as in 5 of my peers in DTS) are teaching on 5 core DTS teachings. So far we have done three. Jonathan began the week teaching on the Nature and Character of God. He did SO GOOD! I took notes :) God is loving ~ 1 John 4:7-8. God is all powerful ~ 2 Chronicles 20:6. God is all knowing ~ Hebrews 4:13. God is always faithful ~ Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 108:4. God is personal ~ John 10:27-29, John 1:14.
"When God makes a decision for you it is always for your best"
(Nate's awesome quote of the day).
The next day, Grace and Michael tag teamed the Fatherheart of God. Grace taught in Korean - which was awesome for the students, but not so much for me. I wish we would have translated for us haha. Michael finished up by teaching about the three P's (something he randomly taught me about one evening after just a couple weeks of knowing him haha): God is our protector ~ Romans 8:15. God is our provider ~ Galatians 4:6. God is our priest ~ Mark 14:36.
"God gave each of us fathers to represent Him. But sometimes His representors don't represent well. But God is the perfect father. God will not fail in any of these areas"
(awesome quote number two from Nate).
Yesterday, Lydia (seriously gifted in teaching!), taught on Forgiveness. Forgiveness is NOT approving or diminishing sin, a feeling, forgetting, conditional, ceasing to feel pain, a one time event, neglecting justice, or trusting again.
(This time the awesome quote of the day was from Lydia)
"God does not ask us to 'forgive and forget.' Having some kind of brain damage is not a requirement for forgiving."
Love her :)
After the teaching, we break up into our small groups. I get to partner with two of my fellow YWAMers this time: Katie and David...and David speaks Korean - plus + :) We have three beautiful girls in our group and a very handsome young man. They are in grades 10th - 12th. And each of them can speak decent enough English were it has made it so much easier to get close to them. I'm loving that about this camp. I love not needing to have a translator to talk to people. Then we take a break and come back for an English teaching, ending in letting our small group practice with us. Then comes my favorite part of the day :) -- One hour of rehearsal with our small groups. Each small group was given the assignment to come up with a dance/skit/or drama revolving around the theme of "truth". These will be presented on Monday during our wrap up ceremony or whatever of the camp. ...and let me just say -- MY GROUP IS THE BEST! It will be taped and hopefully I can get a link up :) Katie and I worked really hard (a couple of long days and nights) to put together the "Mirror" Drama with a culture twist added to it. Basic plot of it: American mirror on one side, Korean mirror on the other, Jesus in the middle. Both girls struggle with what their culture calls beautiful and how they don't measure up. But by the end of the song, with the help of a friend, the girls realize their identity and value doesn't come from the world, but from Jesus, and they see their identity in Him. The kids in our group have done so well with this. We put the whole thing together in two days. Crazy. God is in this. And I think He is really going to use this. I pray it brings Him glory.
Our afternoons consist of going out on a field trip all together to enjoy each other and the Korean culture. We visited an old folk village, a museum, and a traditional market place. Today we went to a nursing home and spent some time with the residents there. Yeah like I said, its been a really fun week :) its been so packed I haven't even written about the 500+ people we performed in front of this morning - I should probably mention that. Our team got the chance to attend a cerimony the high school was having. And they asked us to perform. So we started off with our team dance (which we had been working on all week to make it super awesome), then the Clincher drama performed (followed by an epically loud silence -- like people were not breathing), followed by Aimee giving her testimony -- which was perfect. It was all just very cool -- and it felt so good to be up on a legit stage performing in front of so many people :)
Tonight, each person on my team got to go home with a student to spend the night and all day tomorrow with their family. Unfortunately, I "squeezed the orange" a little too much this week. I started not feeling very well after lunch this afternoon, but tried to ignore it and talk myself out of it. When we came back from the nursing home, I still wasn't feeling very well, so I laid down to take a nap with Trent. When I woke up for supper, I barely made it to the bathroom. A couple of my teammates helped Trent get supper while I fell asleep on the floor. When I was woken up, it was time to head to start heading to the homes of our students. Nate said Trent and I should stay here at the high school for the night (which both Trent and I were not happy about). The young woman we were going to go home with, Rose, came in to check on me. She ended up taking Trent with her and her family. During that time, I stayed close to the bathroom and couldn't get off the floor. Around 9:30, I was able to get myself into a chair. Trent and Rose came back around 10:00. And he was very excited haha - he had a really good time shopping with them. He came in wearing a super cute stocking hat and a jacket vest (both very Koren looking :) i love it!) and carrying an excessive amount of snacks that Rose's family had bought for him. So nice! I couldn't believe it. Tomorrow morning, I'm hoping to feel perfect again...I will be feeling perfect again. And I'll still get to spend the day with Rose and her family. Man, I can't believe I got sick on the last weekend before heading back to America. So dumb.
I can't believe we are going back to America in 9 days! That is so weird. We will be flying back the morning of Feb 19th...and arriving in America the morning of Feb 19th haha. That will also be weird. That following week will be a debriefing week for all the teams, concluding that Sunday evening with talking to the YWAM Tyler family about the awesome things we have seen God do. Then its back to Minnesota! ...hopefully. I haven't worked out how yet exactly lol. My plan is to be home enjoying my awesome family for one month, and then heading back down to YWAM Tyler to attend the second half of the school, School of Evangelism SOE. I am really excited. I really feel like God is calling me to staff for YWAM Tyler. There is an awesome ministry there that takes in young expecting mothers, and the staff really work with them throughout their pregnancy and after until they can get on their feet. I really feel called to be a part of this for awhile. I love this ministry. God has also really been setting my heart on fire with some random ideas involving the arts. And I'm hearing that I'm not the only one. There are a few people who are feeling called to get the arts back to YWAM Tyler. I feel like I will be a part of this as well. I'm just very excited about the plans God has for me and Trent - no matter where they take us. Of course, none of this is for certain. There is always that awesome issue of money to deal with. But I know if God wants me somewhere, He will provide. He will open doors, and He will close doors. And I'm just going to do my best to trust Him every step of the way.

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