Today was a very full day. Of course. When is it not? I read my letter to DADDY to a few girls this morning along with His letter back to me. The staff in my group started crying. I hadn't read it at all sense writing it, so I was on the verge of crying as well. Again, I seriously recommend doing this! Do it!
We talked to day more on how God wants to be our Father, our Daddy. We talked about lots of stuff... This was a video shown this morning:
Its a love letter from God to any child of His. So powerful. I cried like a baby.
We talked about how to heal wounds from our past. Tomorrow, we'll actually spend the day praying over every single person. I honestly don't really know what to expect, but God has told me to volunteer to be a guinea pig so our speaker can model healing to the whole class.....I'm so nervous. I hope she doesn't pick me...but somehow I know she is going to....if I can get myself to raise my hand when she asks for a volunteer. So please, please, please PRAY FOR ME! I have a lot of crap that is about to come out. I just made a list of every person I could think of who has hurt me, and another list of every single sin I could think of that I have committed. There is a lot. I'm excited for the chance of being free from all of this...but in order to get through something, you have to go back to the memory of it and relive the pain....not really looking forward to doing that in front of the whole school. So again, I would really appreciate your prayers for strength and endurance and courage.
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