Thursday, October 27, 2011

24/7 Update

So much to talk about! This week is 24/7 prayer week. We started last Friday and we're going to this coming Friday. There is literally someone praying 24 hours of the day. We all pray together 3 (its never been 3, its always been longer) hours a day together, and then each one of us signs up for two other hours everyday. So we are in the prayer chapel for about 6 or more hours everyday. When I first heard about this my thought was, "Oh man, that's a long time to pray each day." But I've fallen in love with it. Who else in this world is so blessed to get to spend so much time of the day hanging out with the Father. Its probably one of the biggest blessings about this place. There is time set aside every single day for us to just be with God, to learn from Him, to feel His love and to love Him back, to just be with Him. Its amazing. During this week we are practicing intercession: praying for other people: family, friends, our fellow students, our leaders, the nations, standing in the gap and being a bridge from them to our Savior. God has been speaking to so many people this week. I have learned so much. God has been slowly (because it scares the crap out of me and I don't really get it) introducing me to spiritual gifts.
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines." ~1 Corinthians 12:4-11
I've seen examples of a lot of these sense being here. There are few people who speak in tongues, but I've never seen someone interpret them. As I was talking to a close friend here, he was saying that the Holy Spirit is given to all of us and therefore, we all are capable of having this gifts through the Holy Spirit who gives them to us as we need them to further God's Kingdom. He said the only way to know if we have a gift is to try it out. This was the theme for God yesterday. Especially for me. Whenever someone isn't feeling good here, they are prayed over. A couple nights ago, a young woman here had burnt her tongue and half in joking, someone prayed over it. But 5 minutes later it was totally fine. Yesterday, someone came into the child care room I was working in saying she wasn't feeling good. My mind kept going to "someone should prayer for her." God softly pushed, "Why don't you?" My doubtful mind tried pushing that away. I couldn't be used for healing someone. But then I remembered talking about just needing to try a gift out. So I asked if I could pray for her. Not even 5 minutes later she turned to me saying she was feeling so much better. God had used me to heal someone! Its small in comparison for healing some one's blindness, but my faith is weak and it was a trial run. Praise God. He's so good at preparing His children for bigger things to come.
Ok here check this out:
Watch the two videos. Our school has been given the opportunity to be a part of this. Our leaders canceled classes Thursday and Friday. They are finding us transportation, places to stay, and food to eat so that we can go up to Michigan and take part in this amazing thing. However, we of course need to pay our way. $150. Its such an amazing and awesome thing. Its 24 hours of prayer for Detroit and America as a whole. Worship, speakers, and prayer. 24 hours. I prayed about it, about going with Trent. I feel like God is going to open the door. So if you are feeling lead to support us for this contact me or my parents. We'll need about $300 for the two of us to go. I need to know by Sunday at 6:00 P.M. if I'm going to have the money to go. I feel like God is going to provide.
Man, I still have a lot I want to write. I hate skipping days on blogging. So much happens here everyday! But we are about to start our first hour of prayer together.
God is so Good!! I'm praying for everyone back at home. If anyone has something specific they need prayer for, contact me! You all have supported me so much financially and in prayer. Words will never express how grateful I am to everyone. Thank you.

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