Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 1 of Plumbline

Well my beautiful partner in crime, Miss Kelsey, has given a great definition of what a plumbline is so first you should check this out:

Day 1 was already hitting some people. Tears have already been shed, but we have hardly begun. I didn't really feel too affected by anything. We are just moving through things so fast, and I'm a kind of person who needs time to process. I'm sure my tears are on their way!

Today we talked about where our view of the world comes from. We looked a little at how family and culture and personalities play into how we come to see things. We talked about how we tend to put our identities into our roles: I am a mother. I am a daughter. I work at blah blah blah, etc. However, our roles are not our identity. (What is, I don't know yet.) We talked about knowing what God's plan is for us and we talked about what we place value in (What do you think about most during the day?)

One of best things we talked about is how you are not a victim. you have a choice. No matter what happened in your past, God can heal and you can choose Him. We talked about how we all build up walls, and how those walls eventually will cut us off from God. God will send storms to our lives to break the foundations we build on when we are not building on Him.

Tonight, our homework is to list all important authority figures in our lives. Describe any traumatic experiences you had with them. Observe reactions that occurred then that still occur when faced with storms today. Look for anything reaction or emotion that repeats and look for patterns. Authority figures are the ones who tend to hurt us the most, especially when those hurts happen early in life.

So now I'm off to do that! Please keep us all in your prayers - its going to be a rough week!

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