Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

All right here comes some crazy good stuff. I meant to write this like Sunday night, but now is when I have enough time to do it so I'm doing it now! Last Sunday we had a Major General come and speak to us about warfare. Warfare and its relation to Spiritual Warfare. I know a lot of people back at home don't hear this much and may not even consider it to be a real thing. But let me tell you - it is a real thing. Satan will attack and he will strike to kill when you are at your lowest point. We must acquire the warrior's soul if we are going to be victorious with Jesus. The Major General really pressed in that during peace time is the time to practice those things you would do during the war. Peace time is the time to work out your mistakes so that you don't make them when it really matters. For me, the practical application of this right now has to do with prayer. I get so intimidated by praying out loud - and praying for someone else while my hand rests on them -- oh man. But now is the time to practice. If I make a mistake now, it won't have the same effect as if I would make a mistake while praying for someone in South Korea who is on the edge of accepting Christ.

If Satan can distract your mind - he's won. And man does he like to use that: problems with money or focusing on getting more money, sickness in you or in your family, relationships (good or bad, they are not healthy if they take priority over Jesus), employment/unemployment, there are just so many things Satan can use to take your mind off God and onto earthy things.

The General Major stressed this so much that it is very large in my notes:


Romans 8:31 says that if God is for us, who can be against us. If you stay in God's will, if you keep looking to Him for your next step, you've won. Jesus has already been declared the winner! The only way we can loose is to give our win away. If you are a follower of Christ, then the warrior in this war, the champion, is YOU. We all have the responsibility to preach the word and to do something. Live by faith.

You can't win in a defensive position.

Satan's main thing is to cause fear and discouragement. If you feel this - its Satan. Don't take your eyes off the Lord. Follow His plan.

The focus of the church in America has become building a large audience instead of an army. We need to get out and make a positive influence without becoming part of the world. GIVE ENCOURAGEMENT! The Lord is still in the blessing business.

The Major General than gave us the 9 Principles of Warfare, but he then applied these principles to what they look like in Spiritual Warfare.

(1) Objective Your objective needs to be clearly defined and attainable. Be sure of your calling personally. Nothing more and nothing less. I remember this being a big lesson at my home church. People wanted to do so much for God and for the church that they started taking on way too much. Pray about what God wants you to do and then do that. Don't give yourself extra jobs.

(2) Mass There is always a 3:1 ratio. We want 3 people for every 1 enemy. And remember God is always victorious. We always have the advantage. We always have the 3: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. "No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." ~Romans 8:37 "We can use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments." ~2 Corinthians 10:4

(3) Maintain Tactical Maneuverability Keep as many movement options open as possible. Keep moving forward in your relationship with God. Stay busy in His work. Being a lukewarm Christian = death. Satan will get you. Move.

(4) Stay on Offensive Take the fight to the enemy. Move forward to the fight. Retreat is not even in our war manual. Be active in God.

(5) Unity of Command Know who is in command and know the order of command. Be in a chain of command. Have someone hold you accountable. This is something I have really been leaning lately. God is in command of my life. But when God tells me something I don't really understand or that I don't know how to live out, I move down in the chain of command to someone who is still over me. I have a few leaders here who have taken me in, who pray for me and give me wise council about things God has been telling me. I can't even express what a blessing this is. I'll be the first to put my hands in the air and admit that I have no idea what to do with some of the things God has been telling me. A solider who is alone is always overcome. Be under authority. Its a blessing.

(6) Security Don't let the enemy get an advantage. Keep your mind and heart secure in God. Your mind is the battlefield. Your mind is where Satan first attacks. This was huge wake up call for me. I have really learned to control my thoughts. I have really learned that my thoughts are not private at all. Its where sin always starts.

(7) Economy of Force Prayer is a weapon. Always bring more weapons than you think is needed.

(8) Surprise Attack where is Satan is unprepared. Do what is unexpected. Satan is not all knowing - only God is. Keep him guessing. Increase your time of worship for no reason. Be in the Word even though nothing is going wrong.

(9) Simplicity Use clear and uncomplicated plans. Never loose sight of the basics of Christianity. Stay focused on prayer, His word, all the basics. He always speaks clearly. Obey immediately without hesitation or compromise.

Use these principles and constantly evaluate your effectiveness. "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." ~James 4:7

And finally remember, sometimes going too fast (letting Satan push you forward too fast) is just as bad or worse than not going fast enough. Again this is a lesson I am really learning. I know what God wants from me. But I'll let Him lead me there. I'm not going to jump to something in the future before I am prepared for it.

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